Resistances to experiences of violence in medical residencies.


Keywords: Medical residencies, violence, microresistences, medical education


Medical residencies endorse the academic and human training of future specialists. However, aggression within the medical education environment seems to be an inherent part of intrahospital interactions during training. If a medical trainee experiences and observes mistreatment in their relationships with professors and peers, they may internalize it as a behavioral norm and a form of domination. Yet, domination is rarely absolute, as cracks often appear, creating spaces for the deployment of micro-resistance strategies. The aim of this study is to identify the micro-resistances that emerge among residents in response to acts of violence stemming from the highly hierarchical interactions they encounter during their specialist training. A qualitative study was conducted using focus group techniques. The results revealed four general dimensions: 1) abuse of power, 2) control mechanisms, 3) disregard for teaching and learning, and 4) silencing of complaints, which highlight the experiences of residents with violence during their training. It is concluded that evading, laughing, and remaining silent were the micro-resistances used by the residents in response to the abuses they experienced. These strategies were situated within a dynamic and contradictory power struggle, which allowed the residents to persist in their residency and continue on the path to becoming specialist doctors.


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How to Cite
Vives Varela, T., Sánchez-Guzmán, M. A., Hamui-Sutton, L., & Paz-Rodríguez, F. (2024). Resistances to experiences of violence in medical residencies. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 5(4).

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