Cross-cultural adaptation of the Undergraduate Clinical Education Environment Measure Instrument
Introduction: The assessment of the learning environment is indispensable for the continuous improvement of teaching quality and, consequently, the achievement of learning objectives by students. Considering the lack of instruments in Portuguese from Portugal to assess the learning environment in a clinical setting, this study aimed to validate the Undergraduate Clinical Education Environment Measure instrument for Portuguese from Portugal through the cross-cultural adaptation of this instrument. Materials and Methods: The target population of the project consisted of medical students from the University of Beira Interior who underwent clinical internships in the academic year 2022/2023. A focus group was conducted to formulate an initial version adapted for Portuguese from Portugal, which was then reviewed by experts in the field. Subsequently, this version was applied in a pre-test, followed by individual interviews. The obtained results were discussed, the instrument was revised, and the distribution of responses was analyzed. Finally, the final version of the adapted instrument was applied to the target population, followed by statistical treatment and assessment of the psychometric properties of the instrument. Results: Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrates that the instrument adapted to the Portuguese context is valid and reliable, with an Omega coefficient of 0.96. Conclusion: Further consideration is required regarding the question "Do I have adequate access to computers" given the national landscape regarding medical students' access to clinical records. However, considering the stability of the psychometric properties of the instrument, it is ready to be used for evaluating learning environments in a clinical setting. The instrument adapted to the Portuguese context is valid and reliable, proving to be a useful tool for assessing the learning environment in a clinical setting for medical students.
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