Educational Perspectives in Microbiology: Analysis of the Impact of Virtual Practices vs Face-to-Face Practices on Degree in Podiatry Students
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With the aim of effectively integrating virtual environments in Microbiology practices, the effectiveness of virtual versus face-to-face practices in the Microbiology course of the Degree in Podiatry was analysed. After choosing the face-to-face or virtual practical format, students voluntarily completed pre- and post-practicum knowledge questionnaires to evaluate their performance. Students' commitment and satisfaction were also evaluated. Most students chose to complete the practices in the face-to-face format and showed a higher level of engagement and participation in the questionnaires. Both groups showed improved performance with no significant differences between the formats. Students who participated in the practices expressed an elevated level of satisfaction in both formats. Virtual practices are a viable alternative to face-to-face practices in Microbiology teaching.
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