Evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa de la satisfacción en la enseñanza de la Patología en estudiantes de medicina en una universidad compleja chilena


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.593721
Keywords: Learning, Health education, Medicine students, Motivation, Pathology

Supporting Agencies

  • No funding was received


The subjects of General Pathology and Anatomical Pathology are taught during the fifth and sixth semester of the Medicine program at the University of Concepción. In these subjects, a flipped classroom teaching style is used, and a practical activity called "Design of Clinical-Pathological Cases" (DCPC) is carried out. This activity is initiated in the surgical pathology room, where students experience in a real way the work of the pathologist in groups of 3 to 4 people. They perform tasks ranging from macroscopic dictation to microscopic diagnosis, culminating in a final presentation of the case to students and teachers. An observational analytical cross-sectional study was conducted on a sample of 87 students who took both subjects. A quantitative descriptive analysis and a qualitative content analysis method were performed, coding and classifying the responses from 2 instruments. The overall satisfaction with the DCPC activity was 82.4%, being perceived as innovative and useful for the development of practical skills and theoretical learning in pathology, that better prepares students to face real-world challenges as healthcare professionals. The study highlights the importance of considering students' preferences and needs when designing teaching strategies. The qualitative evaluation of the DCPC activity and subjects provided valuable information for continuous improvement, reinforcing the importance of incorporating them into teaching evaluations. It is concluded that the practical DCPC activity helps medical students better understand the macroscopic and microscopic aspects of Pathological Anatomy, surpassing even the flipped classroom approach. The combination of student-centered approaches, real-world work environments, adequate teaching support, and quality study materials can lead to a more effective and satisfying learning experience for students in these disciplines.


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How to Cite
Durán Reyes, C., Delgado Schneider, C., Martínez Riquelme, S., Maturana Barrera, J., Constanzo Valdebenito, C., Burgos Burgos, D., … Villalobos Huerta, P. (2024). Evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa de la satisfacción en la enseñanza de la Patología en estudiantes de medicina en una universidad compleja chilena. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 5(2). https://doi.org/10.6018/edumed.593721