Sexual harassment in students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile: A cross- sectional observational study.


Keywords: Acoso Sexual, estudiantes pregrado, facultad de medicina


Sexual harassment within an academic context is a type of sexual violence. It has been approached by the University of Chile by implementing a protocol of action for sexual harassment, workplace harassment, and arbitrary discrimination. Its objective is to eradicate sexual harassment and reduce gender-based violence in the University of Chile through a program designed to prevent these issues and attend to the people affected by these. Objective: To determine the prevalence of sexual harassment at some point in their university among students from the faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile, and describe their knowledge and use of the current protocol present in the institution. Methods: A cross –sectional prevalence study implemented between 2021 and 2022, consisted of a total of 550 students selected through a convenience sampling by programs. The questionnaire considered 3 items: personal characterization, prevalence of harassment, and the faculty’s protocol of action. The data was collected through an online survey. Results: The prevalence of sexual harassment among students of the faculty of Medicine of the University of Chile corresponds to a total of 13,64%, with a majority of women being harassed by male students. Although 43,09% of the subjects reported knowing the current protocol of action, only 1,09% declared having vast knowledge about it. Conclusion: The results obtained in this study show the importance of effectively approaching these issues, since they could lead to a negative impact on people’s academic life and their subsequent working environment.


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How to Cite
Becerra, K., Becerra, J., Cavada, G., & Pantoja, L. (2023). Sexual harassment in students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile: A cross- sectional observational study. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 4(2).