Coordination of the teaching teams for the acquisition oftransversal skill of communication : the experience in thedegree in dentistry at the University of the Basque Country(UPV/EHU)
In healthcare, communication skills are essential in the work of health professionals. The suitable acquisition of these skills by the students must therefore be one of the objectives of the teaching teams. Aware of this need, in the degree in dentistry at the UPV/EHU, an educational innovation project is being carried out by promoting the horizontal and vertical coordination and work of teaching teams, which has led to the following actions: i, definition of a communication skills guide; ii, design of complex activities based on realistic scenarios, implemented using active methodologies; iii, continuous assessment with pertinent feedback; and iv, monitoring of the entire process with evidence record. After a period of two years, we are becoming aware of the advances and difficulties present, both in the process and in the acquisition of some of the learning outcomes. The discussion, reflection and consensus of the teaching teams, intra and intersubject, has led to the improvement of the teaching guides, the redesign of some of the academic activities, a greater degree of collaboration for the improvement of communication documents (eg., informed consent, preparation of medical reports) and to unify evaluation criteria, and even the design of training workshops on communication aimed at teachers. All of this will have an educational impact, as a result of the efforts of the members of the teaching teams, that will undoubtedly benefit patient care.
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