The digitalization of teachers in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic challenge. The adaptation of the cloister of Quirónsalud Madrid


Keywords: Medical teaching, digitization, COVID, ICT


The digitalization of university teaching staff is an aspect that has taken on special relevance in recent months, especially in the field of healthcare. Face-to-face classes have been abruptly cancelled and replaced by online teaching due to the health crisis. In addition, all the health care providers have taken on the burden of providing care, making it compatible with the virtual classes. Several Quirónsalud groups hospitals carry out part of the academic plan for the degree in Medicine at the European University. However, the teaching has had to be transformed, using digital tools that allow the teaching work and the arduous hospital work to be blended. This article presents the data on the teaching carried out and the initiatives that have been implemented since March 2020 with the aim of analyzing the adaptation of the medical teaching staff of the Quirónsalud group to the situation that has occurred. The use of asynchronous tools has favored the autonomous work of the student and the compatibility of healthcare activity and teaching in hospitals through initiatives such as online synchronous classes, recorded seminars and spoken presentations,  among others.


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How to Cite
Bermejo, J. ., Rivero, C. ., Rojo, S. ., Cerezo, E. ., Rodríguez, N. ., Carrasco Temiño, M., … Suárez, M. . (2021). The digitalization of teachers in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic challenge. The adaptation of the cloister of Quirónsalud Madrid. Spanish Journal of Medical Education, 2(1), 1–12.