Is the universal in the things or the intellect? Duns Scotus’s double answer in his Questions on the Isagoge

La doble respuesta de Duns Escoto en sus Cuestiones a la Isagoge


Keywords: Duns Scotus, logical universal, intellect, predication in itself, Porfirius, Isagoge


In his Questions on Porphyry’s Isagoge, Scotus asks about the place of inherence of the universal: ¿is it in the things or in the intellect? Being established the universal as logical universal and intentional accident of the essence (insofar as it is the modus by which the intellect apprehends the essence), in Scotus’s answer the ontological and the semantical dimensions of the  universal are articulated: with the intellect which causes it and with the thing it designates. We will analyse both of these relations and their implications in the order of predication taking into account Scotus’s example «man is universal».


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How to Cite
Salinas Leal, H. H. (2021). Is the universal in the things or the intellect? Duns Scotus’s double answer in his Questions on the Isagoge: La doble respuesta de Duns Escoto en sus Cuestiones a la Isagoge. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (82), 171–185.