Croisement de regards. La phénoménologie de M. Merleau-Ponty et lʼart vidéo de Bill Viola


  • Isabel Matos Dias
Parole chiave: phenomenology, genesis, video art, subjectivity, vision, perception, reality, camera


Considering with the last Merleau-Ponty, phenomenology as a philosophical mouvement inspired by a new learning of perception, instead of a completely closed thinking system, Matos Dias reflects about how contemporary video artists keep on this attitude. Analysing specially the films of Bill Viola (his memorable I do not know it is I am like), the portuguese philosopher points on the phenomenological involvement of an artist who is always looking for the specifity of the union of human being and nature, observer and observed.


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Come citare
Matos Dias, I. (2008). Croisement de regards. La phénoménologie de M. Merleau-Ponty et lʼart vidéo de Bill Viola. Daimon, (44), 85–92. Recuperato da