Perspectivism with Objectivity, Causal and Temporal


  • Antonio Manuel Liz Gutiérrez Universidad de La Laguna
  • Margarita Vázquez Campos Universidad de La Laguna
Mots-clés : Causation, Flowing Time, Perspectives, Points of View, Objectivity, Pluralism


It has been suggested that the only plausible way to integrate causality in the scientific image of the world is through a subjectivist causal perspectivism. Causation would exist only from the point of view of an agent capable of doing things. The conception of time associated with such causal perspectivism is certain temporal perspectivism that is also subjectivist. Following some ideas of Ramsey, Huw Price is a recent exponent of these approaches, which are rooted in Russell's critique of the notion of causality and in McTaggart’s irrealism about time. We analyze this line of thought and argue for an objectivist interpretation of those perspectivisms. It will be crucial a distinction between perspectives and the subjects capable of adopting them, as well as an analysis of the conditions for adopting  perspectives.


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Bibliographies de l'auteur

Antonio Manuel Liz Gutiérrez, Universidad de La Laguna

Catedrático de universidad, Área de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia

Facultad de Humanidades. Sección de Filosofía

Universidad de La Laguna

Margarita Vázquez Campos, Universidad de La Laguna

Titular de universidad, Área de Lógica y Filosofía de la Ciencia

Facultad de Humanidades. Sección de Filosofía

Universidad de La Laguna


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Comment citer
Liz Gutiérrez, A. M., & Vázquez Campos, M. (2018). Perspectivism with Objectivity, Causal and Temporal. Daimon, (75).
Realidad y causalidad desde una perspectiva científica