El Carnaval de los cuerpos. El desafío simbólico y político del trans-vestismo


  • Libera Pisano Universidad de Hamburgo, Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies
DOI : https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon/269161
Mots-clés : Trans-vestismo, Drag, Género, Cuerpo, Performativo, Butler


Esta contribución investiga el travestismo, entendido como una constante cultural y como un desafío simbólico y político a las indentidad del género. A partir de las reflexiones de Judith Butler, el travestismo será analizado de acuerdo con tres aspectos: una inversion estética, un acto performativo y una subversión semántica.

This paper discusses cross-dressing as a cross-cultural phenomenon and as a symbolic and political challenge to gender’s identity as well. Starting from Judith Butler’s works, the drag will be analyzed in accordance with three different aspects: an aesthetic inversion, a performative act and a semantic turn. 


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Biographie de l'auteur

Libera Pisano, Universidad de Hamburgo, Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies

Libera Pisano is currently Junior Fellow at Maimonides Centre for Advanced Studies. She was Visiting Research Fellow (Post-doc) at the “Theologische Fakultät” of "Humboldt Universität zu Berlin”, with a research project entitled “Entfremdung des Judentums – Entfremdung der Zeichen. Hegels Auseinandersetzung mit Mendelssohn” (a.a. 2014-2015). She earned her PhD in theoretical Philosophy at "SAPIENZA Università di Roma” in 2014, with a dissertation entitled “Lo spirito manifesto. Percorsi linguistici nella filosofia hegeliana” (ETS 2016). She was research fellow at “Istituto italiano di studi filosofici” in Rome in 2012. She published several essays concerning the role of language in Hegel’s writings, G.B. Vico’s thought, anarchic tradition, utopia and gender studies. She is member of the editorial board of various philosophical journals, such as  “Azimuth. Philosophical coordinates”, “Lo Sguardo” and “Filosofia Italiana”. Since February 2016 she has been co-director of the international philosophical book series “Umweg” (Inschibboleth Edizioni).


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Comment citer
Pisano, L. (2017). El Carnaval de los cuerpos. El desafío simbólico y político del trans-vestismo. Daimon, 719–726. https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon/269161