Deconstuction and reconstruction


  • Manuel E. Vázquez
Keywords: deconstruction, logocentrism, life, Derrida, Ferry


The article exposes the contraposition among two philosophical positions (deconstrucción and reconstruction), two authors (Jacques Derrida, Jean Luc Ferry) and two books (Apprendre à vivre enfin, Apprendre à vivre). In last instance, two ways of understanding the relations between philosophy and life. Beyond the logocentrism, object of the deconstruction, the biocentrism is the axis of the task of reconstruction of a philosophy articulated as ontology or theory of the reality, moral philosophy or theory of the justice and wisdom or theory of the salvation. In sum, a form renewed of assuming the need of the philosophy.


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How to Cite
Vázquez, M. E. (2010). Deconstuction and reconstruction. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (46), 43–60. Retrieved from