Berson´s reverberations in Merlau-Ponty


  • Cayetano Aranda Torres
Keywords: Merleau-Ponty, Bergson, philosophy like interrogation, philosophy of the ambiguity, intuition, perception, time, corporality, appearance, which appears


The In Praise of the philosophy (1953) is one of the indicated places more where Merleau-Ponty, halfway of its theoretical production, engages in a dialog with the philosophy of its time, simultaneously that clarifies the budgets and fundamental questions to which its thought tries to give answer. The article takes care, mainly, of the critical reading and singular merlopontiana prolongation of the work of Bergson, looking for to find some keys by the common speculative root to both thinkers and other contemporaries, simultaneously who raise to contribute some light on the novel merlopontiano sense of the philosophical activity like philosophy of the ambiguity, in which the interrogation is its motor axis.


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How to Cite
Aranda Torres, C. (2008). Berson´s reverberations in Merlau-Ponty. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (44), 61–72. Retrieved from