The sap of time. Notes for a relational conception of time


  • Ángel Garrido Maturano
Keywords: time, temporality, relationality, eternity


The article first «opens» the scissors of time, and shows why cosmic time and lived time are irreducible one to another. Second, it «sharpens» the blades of the scissors an analyzes both cosmic time and lived time as relational categories, and alterity as the conditio sine qua non of the actuality of time. Third, the article «closes» the scissors by pointing out the formal traits common to cosmic and lived time. Fainally, it raises the question about how far these common features presuppose an ultimate religious meaning of time.


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How to Cite
Garrido Maturano, Ángel. (2008). The sap of time. Notes for a relational conception of time. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (45), 7–22. Retrieved from