Beyond Data: The Digital Transformation of the Traditional Museum


Keywords: virtual musuem, digital museum, epistemic injustice, dataism, irradiation

Supporting Agencies

  • Esta publicación es parte del proyecto PID2022-139835NB-C21, financiado por MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/.


This work focuses on the virtual museum, understood as the digital transformation of the traditional museum. First, the main conceptualizations of the virtual museum in the specialized literature are reviewed, and based on them, we propose a basic definition. Furthermore, we argue in favor of the insufficiency of the dataist perspective in the study of epistemic injustice associated with the virtual museum. Finally, the exclusion related to the participation and interaction between a museum’s visitors and the institution is analyzed.


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How to Cite
Sans Pinillos, A., & Costa, V. (2023). Beyond Data: The Digital Transformation of the Traditional Museum. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (90), 81–94.
Automatic Learning as New Dataist Positivism?