Is AI used in conservation biology a good environmental justice strategy?


  • Cristian Moyano UAB
Keywords: conservation biology, Artificial intelligence, Enviromental justice, plurality, bias

Supporting Agencies

  • Proyecto de investigación Ética del Rewilding en el Antropoceno: Compren- dido los Escollos de Regenerar Éticamente lo Salvaje (acrónimo ERA-CERES), con referencia PZ618328 / D043600, y financiado por la Fundación BBVA


Conservation biology has embraced the development and application of artificial intelligence to optimize its work. The efficiency with which machine learning processes data helps to identify wild species, repair anthropogenic impacts, and intervene in ecosystems, offering supposedly good results for conservation. Thus, artificial intelligence can here be proposed as an ally of environmental justice. However, I will dispute this thesis, arguing that since conservation biology does not start from absolute parameters and environmental justice is not free from moral plurality, then artificial intelligence could reproduce and increase epistemological and ethical biases.


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How to Cite
Moyano, C. (2023). Is AI used in conservation biology a good environmental justice strategy?. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (90), 29–44.
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