Fronteras, propiedad e intrusión: libertarios e inmigración


  • Daniel Loewe Facultad de Artes Liberales, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Keywords: borders, property, libertarianism, immigration, Nozick, Steiner


The article focuses on the libertarian legitimacy of state borders to exclude immigrants. It argues that in these theories the legitimacy of borders is constructed through the legitimacy of property. The article analyzes the libertarian theories of Nozick and Steiner and argues against the idea that the libertarian right of property allows exclusion at the borders, and argues in favor of the idea that the conditions of legitimacy of property imply a reduced state power to control borders. While in an ideal world, communities would have the full power to control them, in our imperfect world states lack that power.


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How to Cite
Loewe, D. (2022). Fronteras, propiedad e intrusión: libertarios e inmigración. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (87), 171–186.
Monográfico sobre Fronteras, democracia y justicia global