Constitución de orden e inmanencia de la vida. El significado (bio)político de la frontera moderna


  • Francisco Fernández-Jardón Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Keywords: borders, nomos, exception, biopolitics, population, Schmitt, Foucault


The purpose of this article is to understand borders by exploring their political meaning. The main thesis is that borders have only come to be recognized as political devices in the framework of the governmental shift of power that took place in modern times. The functional organization of the border as a biopolitical technology of power aimed at producing subjectivity allows us to unveil the contingency of its ordering of the world and, consequently, the potential politicization of the relations that articulate between interiority and exteriority.


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How to Cite
Fernández-Jardón, F. (2022). Constitución de orden e inmanencia de la vida. El significado (bio)político de la frontera moderna. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (87), 119–135.
Monográfico sobre Fronteras, democracia y justicia global