An approach to aesthetic intuition in Schopenhauer and Bergson


  • Clara Zimmermann Universidad de Buenos Aires
Keywords: intuition, aesthetic experience, Bergson, Schopenhauer, Kant


In the present work we intend to show that in Schopenhauer’s philosophy as well as in Bergson’s aesthetic experience is the paradigm of intuitive knowledge. Unlike what is established in the Kantian theory, for Schopenhauer and Bergson intuition is not only the unique form of immediate knowledge, but also does not need of concepts to apprehend what is given in sensitivity. In addition, since we currently do not find much literature on the influence of Schopenhauer in Bergson’s philosophy, this analysis aims to establish possible links between both theories.


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How to Cite
Zimmermann, C. (2024). An approach to aesthetic intuition in Schopenhauer and Bergson. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (91), 185–199.