A prayer common to the three great religions? Apocryphal Leibnizian dialogue in two scenes and a prologue


  • Rogelio Rovira Facultad de Filosofía - Universidd Complutense de Madrid
DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon.478471
Keywords: Unique God, natural religion, revelation, interreligious dialogue

Supporting Agencies

  • Trabajo llevado a cabo en el marco del proyecto “Leibniz: Obras filosóficas y científicas” (PGC 2018-094692- B-I00) financiado por el Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades.


G. E. Guhrauer, one of the earliest biographers of Leibniz, mistakenly attributed to the philosopher of Hannover the composition of a prayer that could be recited by anyone who acknowledges the existence of a unique God, whatever the religion professed. The prayer, presented in a meeting in Antoine Arnauld’s home, was frowned upon by the French philosopher. Later research showed that the prayer was actually composed by the Landgrave von Hessen-Rheinfels. On the basis on these historical data, and relying on passages from works of the aforementioned authors, in this paper a fictitious dialogue –an «apocryphal Leibnizian dialogue»– is built up between the Landgrave von Hessen-Rheinfels, Arnauld and Leibniz, which may contribute to a more rigorous approach to some of the problems posed by what is now called «interreligious dialogue».


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How to Cite
Rovira, R. (2024). A prayer common to the three great religions? Apocryphal Leibnizian dialogue in two scenes and a prologue. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (91), 85–100. https://doi.org/10.6018/daimon.478471