Peter Abelard’s Scito te ipsum facing Christian Socratism


Keywords: Peter Abelard, Christian Socratism, Ehitcs, Self-Knowledge, Imago Dei


As Étienne Gilson held up, during the 12th century arose a movement he called “Christian Socratism”: a practical and theoretical appreciation of the Delphic Sentence “Nosce te ipsum”. A philosopher usually included in its ranks is Peter Abelard, author of a work named Scito te ipsum (Know Yourself). Nonetheless, Rainer Ilgner, guided mainly by a philological spirit, accused him of having usurped that maxim, on which authors such Hugh of St. Victor or Bernard of Clairvaux did base their respective moral proposals. The main purpose of this paper is to contrast Ilgner’s thesis from a philosophical approach. To do this, the article is divided into two major sections: in the first one, I will explain what Christian Socratism consists of and how –according to different authors– Abelard’s Ethics would be related to this; in the second one, I will do a philosophical analysis of the main Abelardian ethical premises in order to be able to corroborate or refuse Ilgner’s accusation.


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How to Cite
Jakubecki, N. (2023). Peter Abelard’s Scito te ipsum facing Christian Socratism. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (88), 81–95.