Democracia republicana y autoridad política fiduciaria


Keywords: Democracy, republicanism, political authority, fiduciary relations, legitimacy.


In this article I propose a justification of democracy, and of the political authority derived from it, based on the republican ideal of freedom as non-domination.  I argue that democratic procedures have value in themselves because they are decision-making mechanisms where there is freedom on a reciprocal basis. I then show that political authority must be adequately controlled in order to avoid the existence of domination. This is why it must be conceived as a fiduciary relationship, in which the rulers act as agents of the citizenry. Finally, I establish the need for rulers to comply with fiduciary duties and for citizens to develop civic virtues.


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How to Cite
Herranz, A. (2020). Democracia republicana y autoridad política fiduciaria. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (81), 179–195.
Monográfico 2020 Relaciones fiduciarias: libertad, propiedad y bienes comunes