Bargaining power and social distribution of capacities for the nationalisation of economic life: why basic income is a democratizing project?


Keywords: basic income, predistribution, bargaining power, social cooperation, nationalisation, economic democracy


This article analyses in four stages the potential of unconditional access to resources in the conformation of free (re)productive relations. Firstly, it defends a notion of (economic) democracy requiring the presence of unconditionally predistributed resources. Secondly, it explores the link between predistribution and bargaining power. Thirdly, it presents the right to existence as a condition for an effective social cooperation worth taking care of. Fourthly, it discusses the role of basic income in processes of nationalisation of economic life understood as the expression of the democratic will of citizenry.


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How to Cite
Casassas, D. (2020). Bargaining power and social distribution of capacities for the nationalisation of economic life: why basic income is a democratizing project?. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (81), 215–229.
Monográfico 2020 Relaciones fiduciarias: libertad, propiedad y bienes comunes