Asambleas ciudadanas y reformas constitucionales en Islandia e Irlanda: sorteo y deliberación como instrumentos de profundización democrática


Keywords: Citizen Assembly, random selection, public deliberation, referendum, constitutional reform


The objective of this article is to explore and reflect on the potential of citizen assemblies, and to observe whether or not they have the capacity to influence political decision-making. In the first place, a critical look is made of the citizen assemblies. The following are the constitutional reform processes in Iceland and Ireland. Finally, the potentialities and limitations of these constituent citizen assemblies are analyzed. The conclusion states that, although the results were uneven, they are a good reference for how common citizenship can participate in the poli-tical agenda.


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How to Cite
Camarelles Queralt, G. (2023). Asambleas ciudadanas y reformas constitucionales en Islandia e Irlanda: sorteo y deliberación como instrumentos de profundización democrática . Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (88), 7–21.