Simone Weil liminal thinker


Keywords: attention, impersonal, impolitical, liminal, radical.


Weil built up intelligibility through a writing that uproots the thinking of regular concepts. Her thoughts about the strength denote that people only read the feelings that the world offers via our body. These will become key to propitiate semantic transpositions that modify what the human being is actually able to read. Hence the political scope of bodies and speeches in the transversal conversation of the institutions and inside the collectives whose mechanisms make the significances attached to the names more real than the very things these allude to. This kind of strength prevents access to the impersonal truth.



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How to Cite
Fuentes-Marcel, A. (2022). Simone Weil liminal thinker. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (86), 179–190.