Argumentation and humor from the ethics of discourse

Walking with Karl-Otto Apel beyond Apel


Keywords: Karl-Otto Apel, argumentation, discourse ethics, humor ethics, humor


In this paper I concentrate on the fact of arguing in Karl-Otto Apel, to try to understand, according to this author, what it is, why it is so important for the foundation of ethics and what it means to argue rationally. From there I walk with Apel beyond Apel showing the importance of incorporating the dimension of humor so that the argumentation really advances towards truth and justice.


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Author Biography

Juan Carlos Siurana, Universidad de Valencia


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How to Cite
Siurana, J. C. (2019). Argumentation and humor from the ethics of discourse: Walking with Karl-Otto Apel beyond Apel. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (78), 187–205.