The enlightened proto-evolutionism of Adam Smith’s theory of language.


Keywords: Adam Smith, Lenguaje, Lógica, Evolucionismo, Gramática, Cultura


This article analyzes the important contributions of Adam Smith to the theory of language. It identifies two coordinated argumentative levels, the first coming from the logic of analysis and synthesis and the second coming from an interpretation of language as a tool for adaptation and social transformation of the natural environment. This allows identifying a language’s “development hypothesis”, which evolves from the disjointed homogeneous to the articulated heterogeneous. From here is defined the specificity of Smith’s theory of language, between the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, as well as its aesthetic and educational consequences.


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Author Biography

Jorge López Lloret, Universidad de Sevilla

Profesor Titulas de Unversidad - Departamento de Estética e Historia de la Filosofía


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How to Cite
López Lloret, J. (2021). The enlightened proto-evolutionism of Adam Smith’s theory of language. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (83), 105–121.