The overcoming of the paradoxes of the interpreting subject in Wittgenstein and Apel: Through Frege or Peirce?


  • Carlos Maria Ortiz de Landázuri Profesor jubilado
Keywords: Common World, Language game, pragmatic maxim, communication community


Wittgenstein and Apel sought to define the formal constitutive of the language interpreter subject based on the Frege or Peirce proposals, but in both cases their proposals ended up becoming paradoxical. First, Wittgenstein for not being able to ground it in a critical-transcendental way based on a notion of metaphysical "I" nor on behavioral language games in themselves that also do not allow to refer to some interpreter signs, in the way demanded by Frege. Anyway, later, Apel would have proposed to avoid these paradoxes by means of a pragmatic-transcendental interpretation of the interpreting subject starting from Peirce, although finally it would prove how the same type of paradoxes would also be fostered.


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How to Cite
Ortiz de Landázuri, C. M. (2019). The overcoming of the paradoxes of the interpreting subject in Wittgenstein and Apel: Through Frege or Peirce?. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (78), 171–186.