The Figure of the Idiot in the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze considered from some of its sources (Cusa, Descartes, Dostoevsky)


Keywords: idiocy, foolishness, madness, thought, knowledge, creation


In everyday life and common language, idiocy often refers to a lack of intelligence or a defect in thinking. This conception achieved great precision in classical psychiatry and it is not totally absent from contemporary philosophy. However, according to Deleuze and Guattari, the idiot constitutes the philosophical persona par excellence. To what extent does this persona entail or allow constructing an alternative conception of idiocy? Actually, there are three kinds of idiots in Deleuze’s work: one that identifies itself with the fool, another that identifies itself with the madman and a third that laughs at the belief in this world. We will try to offer an answer to the aforementioned question by analyzing each of these three characters.


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How to Cite
Cherniavsky, A. (2021). The Figure of the Idiot in the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze considered from some of its sources (Cusa, Descartes, Dostoevsky). Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (82), 49–62.