From the ideas of Kierkegaard and Rimas of Bécquer to the views of Unamuno: the theory and practice of spanish existencialism


Keywords: Unamuno, Kierkegaard, existentialism, Bécquer's Rimas


In our article we try to approximate to the theme of spanish existencialism and the views of Miguel de Unamuno in particular. Evaluating the reasons of philosophizing and revising the relation between phylosophy and literature, we investigate the origins of romantic existencialism (of Sören Kierkegaard) and literary pre-existencialism (of Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer) which has the precursor function of phylosophical existencialism cultivated in Unamuno’s literary and documentary texts.


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Author Biography

Vladimer Luarsabishvili, New Vision University

Profesor Auxiliar, Facultad de Ciencias y Artes


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How to Cite
Luarsabishvili, V. (2021). From the ideas of Kierkegaard and Rimas of Bécquer to the views of Unamuno: the theory and practice of spanish existencialism. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (82), 21–29.