
  • Celia Amorós
Keywords: ética, matriz estética, mala fe, «exigencia», reino de los fines, ética de la ayuda


The paper exposes the critic that Sartre does to Kant along his philosophic work in two parts. First of all, it argues against the ones who, based on the single reading of L´existentialisme est un humanisme, have interpreted Sartre in Kant´s key. It underlines, in order to remark the distance between both philosophers, the aesthetic matrix of Sartre´s ethics by relating the thesis of his conference to «Qu´est ce que la littérature?». The second part, it exposes Sartre´s project of an onthologic ethic, versus Kant, based on his concept of «bad faith», as it is developed in the Cahiers pour une morale. It specially lingers on Sartre´s critic to Kant´s conception of duty as «exigency», which is presented as one of «the figures of bad faith». Last, it sets in opposition this figure with Sartre´s ethic of the help, where the conception of the kingdom of aims typical of the author of L´Être et le Néant is formulated.


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Author Biography

Celia Amorós

Catedrática de Filosofía Moral y Política de la UNED (Madrid), Facultad de Filosofía
How to Cite
Amorós, C. (2005). SARTRE, CRÍTICO DE KANT. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (35), 25–40. Retrieved from