
  • Enrique Ujaldón
Keywords: liberalismo, pluralismo, moral, orden espontáneo, conflicto


The human action has non intentional consequences and, frequently, unforeseen ones. Moreover, chaims on imposing a conception of the good collide with the moral pluralism, the idea that there are equally valid but irreconcilable moral options to each other. Neither the State nor the market can solve the problems that are derived from both theses. But the liberal believes that civil society is able to satisfy the demands of everyone in a better way than State. The disenchanted liberal is the one that believes that the market neither is a guarantee for a perfect solution nor eliminates every conflict.


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How to Cite
Ujaldón, E. (2002). LIBERALISMO DESENCANTADO. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (27), 141–150. Retrieved from