Myth and logocentrism


  • Adolfo Chaparro Amaya
Keywords: myth, logocentrism, plane of immanence, concept, figure, amerindian thought


The present article deals with the problem of logocentrism on the borders of the research into the role of mythical thought in the configuration of the knowledge that characterizes Spanish America since the 16th century. The first part has to do with the well-known analysis of logocentrism (Foucault, Derrida) bearing in mind the originating character of myth. In the second part, the similarities and differences between philosophy and myth with regard to the postulation of the plane of immanence as a condition of thought is set forth (Deleuze and Guattari). Finally, as a conclusion, it proposes a variety of possibilities for research into mythical discourse as a philosophical problem.


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How to Cite
Chaparro Amaya, A. (2009). Myth and logocentrism. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (48), 65–80. Retrieved from