Michel Foucault and the jails during the political spanish transition


  • Valentín Galván
Keywords: democratic transition, jails, Michel Foucault, collective margin, COPEL


The article approaches the prison problematics during the political Transition, revealing the relations and influences that existed between the Group of Information on the Prisons (GIP), and the prisoners’ Spanish organizations the Collective Margin and the Prisonersʼ Coordinator in Fight (COPEL), since the pamphlet is demonstrated in the existing parallelism of your publications, between the French opuscule Intolérable, who! And the book On the delinquency.


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How to Cite
Galván, V. (2009). Michel Foucault and the jails during the political spanish transition. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (48), 21–37. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/daimon/article/view/119541