
  • Peggy Kamuf
Keywords: deconstrucción, amor, afirmación, declaración, fuerza realizativa, otro, yo, deconstruction, love, affirmation, address, performativity, other, self


The image of deconstuction as an essentially negative operation, as a dismantling of systems, does not seem to be improved if we state that deconstruction affirmatively declares love for the texts it deconsturcts, because, once again, it can be charged with the negativity of an activity circumscribed to intelectualism's inert world. However, the "performative" force of this affirmation of love which deconstruction carries out takes us to the very heart of any love address or love declaration, which is essentially affirmative. The performative force of a love addressed to texts overshadows the nutrality of an external objectivity, and it also surpasses the limits of subjectivity: this force contains, instead, the explicitness of the "iterability" of "any" declaration of love, thus becoming the love address "par excellence". Nevertheless, the blurring of the boundaries of object and subject in which we are now submerged leaves for us only the possibility of "thinking" about a kind of love in which we are able to distinguish between love for the other as other an love as the other's appropriation by the self. Such a possibility is enacted in fictional texts, and one example which is analised here is Henry Jame's "The Aspern Papers".


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How to Cite
Kamuf, P. (1999). DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y AMOR. Daimon Revista Internacional de Filosofia, (19), 43–60. Retrieved from