Teaching personal and social responsibility after school: A systematic review


DOI: https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.346851
Palavras-chave: Modelo de responsabilidade, atividade física, TPSR Alliance, extracurricular


Background: Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) has been studied and implemented through physical activity in different backgrounds for over three decades. However, there is no systematized review in the literature concerning the after-school context.

Aim: Conducting a systematic review of literature on after-school interventions based on the TPSR model.

Methods: This study was driven by the following research questions: Which were the conclusions regarding the implementation of TPSR in after-school settings? Which research methodologies have been used to assess TPSR in after-school time settings? Which results related to TPSR were reported in after-school time settings? Cochrane protocol guidelines were followed. Papers were selected by two independent researchers, with Cohen’s Kappa value of 81%.

Results and discussion: Twenty-seven papers were selected, thirteen of which were reported with high scores. Most interventions were conducted in the USA on community-based after-school programs, lasting more than nine sessions, and led by school staff who prepared physical activities for youngsters from disadvantaged communities. Most of the reported studies resorted to qualitative methodologies. Some gaps were detected, such as lack of systematization of methods, lack of validity and reliability. Personal and social benefits were found. Other results were grouped into leadership, staff-youngsters relationship, values, transference, and impact on staff lives.

We recommend future studies in the after-school context extend to extend to other countries, with more detailed descriptions of the specific used methods.


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Biografia Autor

Artur Pereira, Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education of Coimbra, Portugal.


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Como Citar
Baptista, C., Corte-Real, N. ., Regueiras, L. ., Seo, G. ., Hemphill, M. ., Pereira, A. ., … Fonseca, A. . (2020). Teaching personal and social responsibility after school: A systematic review. Cadernos de Psicologia do Desporto, 20(2), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.6018/cpd.346851
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