Data quality analysis of a motivational climate observation instrument: verbal and proxemic behaviours of physical maintenance monitors.


Keywords: Observational methodology, rating scales, generalizability, invariance, interaction, data quality.


In this study, an instrument has been designed for the motivational climate observation through the verbal and proxemic behaviour analysis in monitors who impart physical maintenance activity. It is an instrument that allows to differentiate the motivational climate favoured by the trainer, as well as the distribution of the participants and the proxemic. The instrument combines field format, comprehensive and mutually exclusive category systems (E/ME), and rating scales. It consists of 10 criteria and 44 categories in total, each of which (except for those criteria that were not possible) has rating scales. The name of the instrument is IAFD (Interaction in Physical Activity and Sport). The recording, visualization and analysis of seven physical maintenance sessions in the Municipal Sports Centre of the city of Ronda was carried out, analysing the verbal and proxemic behaviours of two monitors. An analysis of Data Quality and an analysis of Generalizability was carried out, obtaining satisfactory results in terms of the reliability, validity and precision of the instrument, invariance between the two monitors, as well as the capacity of generalization. 


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How to Cite
Crespillo-Jurado, M., Anguera , M. T. ., Reigal, R. E., & Hernández-Mendo, A. (2021). Data quality analysis of a motivational climate observation instrument: verbal and proxemic behaviours of physical maintenance monitors. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 21(1), 18–42.
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