Los límites del entrenamiento psicológico aplicado al deporte


  • Enrique J. Garcés de Los Fayos Ruiz
  • Laura Vives Benedicto
Keywords: limitations, psychological training, paper of sport psychologist


The objective of this work is to meditate on the potential obstacles that the own professional practice supposes for the psychologist of the sport. Scarce years ago we outlined some of the problems that the own acting professional can cause (in form of concrete limitations), making stress in those factors directly related with the design, development and evaluation of the programs of psychological training, not evaluating other aspects that, seemingly, more far from the previous ones they will influence in a significant way in the work of the psychologist of the sport, which we have tried not to forget in the development of this work. In this sense, we present a series of reflections about diverse factors that we consider they are limiting the work of the psychologist of the sport at the moment, associated to the four areas that systematically are influencing in their own work: the personal one, the social one, the sport one and the professional.


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How to Cite
Garcés de Los Fayos Ruiz, E. J., & Vives Benedicto, L. (2005). Los límites del entrenamiento psicológico aplicado al deporte. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 5. Retrieved from https://revistas.um.es/cpd/article/view/93561

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