The Hardy Personality is proposed as a constellation of personality characteristics regarding personal beliefs on control, commitment and challenge, which has been widely studied in relation to stress and its impact in health- and work-settings, amongst others, but almost ignored in sport contexts. Nonetheless, the characteristics that are included in such a construct are highly interesting for sport practice. One of the possible reasons for this neglect is, probably, the inexistence of tools able to measure these characteristics in sports settings.
The main aim of this study was, hence, to obtain a suitable measure for the assessment of the Hardy Personality in marathon runners. The obtained results regarding the reliability and factorial validity of the scale we present, the Escala de Personalidad Resistente en Maratonianos [Hardy Personality Scale for Marathon] (EPRM), endorse that it is an appropriate and useful instrument in the approach of the study of this construct in the sport arena, and the marathon context in particular. However, our results also point out theconvenience of optimizing the properties of the EPRM.
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