Mental toughness improvement in college weightlifters through an intervention based on the IZOF model

Modelo IZOF de intervenção e dureza mental em halterofilistas universitários


Keywords: Psychological intervention, Emotional regulation, Heart rate, Sport performance, Biofeedback


Psychological intervention in the sports context has tried to detect a model that can predict maximum sports performance. Studies in which psychological intervention programs were used in the competitive phases have shown some influence in the improvement of specific psychological skills for sports practice. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of an activation control program based on the Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning (IZOF) on the mental toughness levels in university weightlifting athletes. The sample was of three participants, selected by convenience. A pre-experimental pretest-posttest design with a single group was used. The Psychological Inventory of Sport Performance and Inventory of Competitive State Anxiety-2RD (CSAI-2R) questionnaires were applied, the CSAI-2R was responded to retrospectively considering three different sporting moments: a) Worst Performance; b) Regular Performance; c) Best Performance; and, one prospectively after intervention: d) Treatment Performance. Heart rate recording was used as a tool to determine the IZOF. The intervention program consisted of 17 sessions for the teaching and application of activation control techniques. Psychological variables were analyzed through a Wilcoxon test and the smallest worthwhile change, whilst heart rate means were obtained to evaluate their behavior throughout the performance executions. Post-intervention results show positive changes in anxiety and self-confidence levels as well as in the psychological skills for sports practice, and the attainment and maintenance of IZOF in the participants.


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How to Cite
Fernández-Barradas, E. Y., Juvera Portilla, J. L., Rodenas Cuenca, L. T., Hernández-Cruz, G., & Reynoso-Sánchez, L. F. (2023). Mental toughness improvement in college weightlifters through an intervention based on the IZOF model: Modelo IZOF de intervenção e dureza mental em halterofilistas universitários. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(3).
Psicología del Deporte

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