Psychometric characteristics of the Brazilian version of the Sport Emotion Questionnaire (SEQ-BR)


Keywords: Emotions, Sports, Instrument, Psychometrics, Sport psychology

Supporting Agencies

  • Coordination of Superior Level Staff Improvement


Here we present an adapted version of the Sport Emotion Questionnaire (SEQ) translated to Brazilian Portuguese, and explore its psychometric characteristics. In Study 1, the Brazilian version of the SEQ (SEQ-BR) was produced according to the guidelines for the cross-cultural adaptation process, and the content validity and inter-rater agreement were evaluated. The agreement was almost excellent between judges (0.77 £ Kappa £ 0.89), and the instrument was considered valid from the content viewpoint, regarding clarity (CVCt = 0.91) and relevance (CVCt = 0.93). In Study 2, 895 Brazilian athletes from different types of sports answered the SEQ-BR during national and international competitions. Factor analysis were performed to explore and confirm the factor structure of the SEQ-BR. The structure composed of five factors [χ2 (199) = 395.59; χ2/df = 1.99; CFI = 0.98; TLI = 0.98; GFI = 0.98; RMSEA = 0.033], in addition to factorial invariance between groups and adequate internal consistency in all factors (0,78 £ ω £ 0,85). The SEQ-BR presents adequacy as to content validity, and satisfactory psychometric characteristics, providing a stable, consistent, and reliable instrument to measure pre-competitive emotions in Brazilian athletes.


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Author Biography

Claudia Dias Leite, Catholic University of Brasilia, Brazil

Ph.D. student in Physical Education at the Catholic University of Brasília (CAPES/2019 scholarship holder), graduated in Physiotherapy (2006) and Physical Education (2011). Professor of Physical Education and Physiotherapy at Centro Universitário UniProjeção and a member of the Neuroscience of Movement Study Group (Neuromov). Have experience in the field of Physiotherapy with an emphasis on Orthopedics, Traumatology, and Sports, in the area of Physical Education with an emphasis on Sports Training, Analysis of Human Movement and Sport Psychology, and in the area of Biostatistics with research design, tabulation, data analysis, and psychometry.


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How to Cite
Dias Leite, C., da Silva Soares Júnior, R., Fukuda, C. C. ., Viegas Caixeta, F., Ferreira de Melo, G., Bodnariuc Fontes, E., & Almeida Ramos, I. (2023). Psychometric characteristics of the Brazilian version of the Sport Emotion Questionnaire (SEQ-BR). Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(2), 90–105.
Psicología del Deporte