Analysis of the effect of relative age and constituent year on basic athletics categories


Keywords: Physical Education and Training, Youth Sports, Physical Education, Athletics

Supporting Agencies

  • This work was carried out with the support of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel Brazil (CAPES) - Financing Code 001.


The present study sought to analyze the Effect of Relative Age and the constituent year in the basic categories of athletics. It was decided to carry out an analysis of the general CBAt ranking, taking the 2017 data as a sample. The analysis approach consisted of a quantitative and qualitative approach. The sample included a total of 3,909 athletes, male and female, born in the following years: 1996 (n = 268); 1997 (n = 680); 1998 (n = 630); 1999 (n = 910); 2000 (n = 572); 2001 (n = 612); 2002 (n = 204); and 2003 (n = 33). In addition, six Brazilian coaches in the athletics modality were interviewed in order to contribute to the discussions. It is noticed that there was a tendency for the sports ranking of the basic categories to have a greater representation of athletes born in the first months of the year, in relation to those born in the final months. On the other hand, another issue observed is that the constituent year of the analyzed categories (16, 18 and 20 years) does not have the majority of the results. Thus, these are issues that need to be taken into account by the people who work in the sports training process.


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How to Cite
Caregnato, A. F., Ordonhes, M. T., & Cavichiolli, F. R. (2023). Analysis of the effect of relative age and constituent year on basic athletics categories. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(2), 156–168.
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