Safety and efficacy of the Pilates Method on physical, functional and musculoskeletal pain in elderly women. Impact of the Pilates Method on Functions and Pain


Keywords: aging,, functional capacity, resistance training


The Pilates Method (PM) is proposed as a non-pharmacological strategy for pain management. However, little is known about the safety of the method applied to the elderly people. The purpose was to identify the impact of PM on elderly women without complaints of general and specific severe musculoskeletal pain, considering physical, functional and chronic musculoskeletal pain. 19 elderly women were subjected to 24 weeks of intervention with PM. We measured the perception of functionality, general and segmentation pain respectively by three subscales of SF-36 (functional capacity, physical aspects and pain) and Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire (NMQ). For SF-36 we had: functional capacity χ 2 (2) = 1.529, p = 0.465, limitations due to physical aspects χ 2 (2) = 1.960, p = 0.375 and pain χ 2 (2) = 1.213, p = 0.545, no significant differences were found for any of the variables over time. As for the NMQ we observed a significant difference only for the hip / thigh, decreasing complaints of pain, tingling and numbness at Q2 compared to Q1 (p = 0.01) and increasing at Q3 compared to Q2 (p = 0.03). It is suggested that the PM is safe and applicable in this public, as it presented stable results and didn't worsen the pain (general and localized).

Key Word: aging, functional capacity, resistance training.


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How to Cite
Lopes Santos de Brito, D. ., dos Santos Brandão, T. ., da Silva dos Santos, I., Ramalho Aniceto, . R. ., de Freitas, V. H., & Rodrigues de Castro, M. . (2023). Safety and efficacy of the Pilates Method on physical, functional and musculoskeletal pain in elderly women. Impact of the Pilates Method on Functions and Pain. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 23(2).
Quality of Life – Research and Innovation

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