Design and validation of games and emotions scale for children (GESC)


Keywords: physical education, questionnaire, emotional awareness, elementary education, motor experiences


Several instruments exist to measure emotional experiences during physical activity. However, these instruments are designed on a clinically basis and use mood concepts rather than emotions. Moreover, these instruments are designed and validated only with adult samples. An instrument is needed to study the emotional experiences of schoolchildren when participating in games or sports. Therefore, the aim of this study was to design and validate the Games and Emotions Scale for Children to assess the intensity of emotions (positive or negative) of schoolchildren in physical education classes, when players participated in games of different motor action domains, with or without competition (winner or loser). A total of 293 students from four Spanish primary schools participated. Ten experts evaluated the content. The results of confirmatory factor analysis, reliability (CR and AVE) and validity (convergent and discriminant) yielded two factors and satisfactory fit indices. Acceptable reliability and validity values were obtained. The present study suggests that the GESC is a structurally valid and reliable instrument for measuring emotional intensity in motor games, both in an educational and sport context. Thus, the results could benefit both teachers and coaches, allowing them to know the type of emotional experiences generated by their motor practices.


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03-01-2022 — Updated on 03-01-2022
How to Cite
Alcaraz-Muñoz, V., Alonso Roque, J. I., & Yuste Lucas, J. L. (2022). Design and validation of games and emotions scale for children (GESC). Sport Psychology Notebooks, 22(1), 28–43.
Psicología del Deporte