Subjective well-being in veteran athletes: a prospective test based on the theory of self-determination


Keywords: Motivation, Basic psychological needs, Satisfaction with life, Affection, Sport


The practice of sports by veteran athletes is an evident reality and with prospects for expansion. The objective was to determine predictive variables of subjective well-being in veteran athletes, taking into account the theory of self-determination. A structural equation model and a mediation model were developed. In this study participated 840 Portuguese veteran athletes, between the ages of 30 and 76 (M = 42.54 DT = 7.28). The Basic Psychological Needs Exercise Scale (Moutão, Cid, Alves, Leitão e Vlachopoulos, 2012), the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (Monteiro, Moutão e Cid, 2018), the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (Galinha e Pais-Ribeiro, 2005) and the Life Satisfaction Scale (Neto, 1993) were used. The model showed the following adjustment indices: χ2 = 674,554, p <.001, χ2 / fd = 4.08, CFI = .94; IFI = .94; TLI = .92; GFI = .92; RMSEA = .062; SRMR = .061. In the veteran athletes, the perception of satisfaction of the basic psychological need for autonomy leads to autonomously motivated behaviors, promoting these, higher levels of subjective well-being. Autonomous motivation proved to be a significant mediating variable between the basic psychological need for autonomy and the production of positive affects. There were also indirect effects of the mediating variable on the variables of satisfaction with life and negative affects, as well as direct and total effects of the independent variable and the consequence variables under analysis.


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How to Cite
Batista, M., Santos, J., Honório, S., Mesquita, H., Serrano, J., & Petrica, J. (2021). Subjective well-being in veteran athletes: a prospective test based on the theory of self-determination. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 21(3), 99–109.
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