Electromyographic biofeedback in the rehabilitation of knee injuries. Two case studies of professional soccer players
The electromyographic biofeedback (BF-EMG) has been used successfully in the rehabilitation treatment of a wide range of neuromuscular disorders and is amply referenced in the psychological literature. The aim of this study is to assess the effectiveness of biofeedback-EMG in the recovery of two cases of injury where the knee was affected. In parallel with the rehabilitation plan set by the club's medical services, establishing an intervention strategy with BF-EMG. Subject design is used. In each session there is a pre and post online that helps determine the profit gained EMG. Were performed between five and ten training sessions on alternate days, which were preceded and followed by data collection at baseline conditions. In each of the sessions were conducted between 10 and 12 trials of isometric contraction of the vastus lateralis, receiving feedback subject-EMG activity. The results show an increase in the activity-EMG of vastus lateralis. It was noted also that joined the team prior discipline and similar levels in mood states as measured by the POMSDownloads
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