Comparison of the performance of soccer players aged 8-9 years old in two modified game 3 against 3


  • Jaime Serra Olivares Universidad Castilla La Mancha
  • Sixto González Víllora Universidad Castilla La Mancha
  • Luis M. García López Universidad Castilla La Mancha
Keywords: Game performance, modified games, game contexts


The purpose of this study was to compare 21 8-9 years soccer players’ Game performance depending on the specific context of play where they developed their skills. We designed a nonexperimental, cross-sectional, descriptive and non-participant observational methodology study, using the Game Performance Evaluation Tool (GPET). We recorded and analyzed data from two modified soccer games 3vs3, a modified game similar to the real game and one modified game that exaggerated the tactical principle to keeping possession of the ball. We found a significantly greater number of keeping possession situations in the game that exaggerated this tactical principle. Also, players had higher percentage of suitable decision-making units in this game. However, when we observed the results for successful decisions and executions, players had better percentages in the modified game similar to the real game. This percentage was significantly better in the case of supports.


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How to Cite
Serra Olivares, J., González Víllora, S., & García López, L. M. (2011). Comparison of the performance of soccer players aged 8-9 years old in two modified game 3 against 3. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 11(2), 77–91. Retrieved from

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