Immigration and physical education teachers
Education and educative agents are no strangers to the social reality of which they form part. It seems logical that if there are attitudes of racism and rejection in society, it can also exist in the School environment among students, parents and teachers, and consequently may be an obstacle to social integration processes. Thus, the objectives of our study was to know the perceptions of Physical Education (PE) teachers who are receiving training in order to detect how their beliefs influence their decisions on curriculum and identify the attitudes that teachers have the specialty of PE at the phenomenon of immigration. The study sample has been formed by a total of 145 PE teachers from various Schools in the province of Albacete. Of the total participants (N = 145), 55.8% (n = 81) were male and 44.2% were (n = 64) female, mean age were 41 years and a mean teaching experience ranging from 23 years to men to 26 years for women. The data collection tool has been a mixed questionnaire, which contained open and closed questions. Analysis was conducted with the help of the software EXCEL and ATLAS-TI. The data showed that PE teachers believe that training activities offered by the Administration are insufficient to teach PE in multicultural contexts, PE teachers not feel the need to modify their classroom programs (curriculum) by the presence of foreign students, and they have egalitarian attitudes towards cultural diversity
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