The practice of eSports in university students. Sponsorships and Streaming


Keywords: video games, streamer, brands, university sports, digital platforms


A study is presented with the purpose of analyzing the practice of eSports in university students, as well as their perception of brands, sponsorships, and streaming within video games. A cross-sectional study was carried out with a mixed descriptive, quantitative and qualitative design. A sample of 266 high school and university students participated, with an average age of 18.39 ± 3.10 years, 245 men (92.1%) and 21 women (7.9%), of whom 120 are studying high school (45.1%), 135 bachelor's degree (50.8%) and 11 postgraduate degree (4.1%). An ad hoc survey was created, and it contains five sections: survey introduction, general data, eSports consumption, streaming, brands, and sponsorships. The results show that most students like to watch streamers broadcasting live through different platforms (82.1%): Twitch, YouTube, and Facebook, among others; in addition, the presence of the sponsoring brand (52.3%) and the audiovisual content (16.9%). It can be concluded that eSports is a new area in sports culture. It has become one of the most essential and popular parts of university communities in the way they use their free time.


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How to Cite
Ceballos Medina, O. (2024). The practice of eSports in university students. Sponsorships and Streaming. Sport Psychology Notebooks, 24(2), 231–241.
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