Brief questionnaire of parental response to disruptive behavior (PRDB-Q): Parental perspective.


  • María Cantero-García Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • Jesús Alonso-Tapia Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Keywords: family climate, behavior problems, positive parenting.

Supporting Agencies

  • Estudio financiado por el Ministerio de Educación
  • Cultura y Deporte a través de la ayuda FPU 2013/02315


The aim of this study is to develop and validate the questionnaire of parental response to disruptive behavior (PRDB).  Parents can act proactively towards problems and their emotional repercussions, focusing on how to handle them positively, or can focus their attention on the emotional response generated by behavior problems, being overburdened by them. In order to assess the prevalent personal orientation to cope with disruption, to guide parents and to assess the effect of psychological interventions, a questionnaire such as the one proposed here is required. A total of 420 parents and their children participated in the study. The structural validity of the questionnaire was tested using confirmatory factor analysis first to compare a multifactorial model (five specific factors) with a multifactorial-hierarchical model (with two second-order factors), and second, to study the cross validity of both models. The predictive validity was tested analyzing the relationship between parents’ and children’ perceptions of family climate. Children’s perceptions were assessed with the "Questionnaire of Behavior Management Climate perceived by children." Results showed that both models had good and similar fit indices that were almost identical in the two subsamples. Besides, the correlation analysis showed that although in general the relationship between perceptions of parents and their children is in the expected direction, this does not always happen. 


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Author Biographies

María Cantero-García, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Facultad de Psicología. Departamento Psicobiología y de la Salud.Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

Jesús Alonso-Tapia, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Facultad de Psicología. Departamento Psicobiología y de la Salud.Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.


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How to Cite
Cantero-García, M., & Alonso-Tapia, J. (2017). Brief questionnaire of parental response to disruptive behavior (PRDB-Q): Parental perspective. Anales de Psicología / Annals of Psychology, 33(3), 689–696.
Developmental and Educational Psychology

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